Stewardship Sundays – Encouraging Word – November 2014

Possible Stewardship Sundays/Emphases for December through April

While our “Stewardship by the Lectionary” resource offers stewardship-themed devotions for all weekly lectionary readings, some weeks are particularly strong for a stewardship-themed Sunday. Following are some ideas for a stewardship Sunday or emphasis in Advent/Christmas, 2014, and Epiphany/Lent, 2015. Refer to “Stewardship by the Lectionary” for further development of these themes.

Advent 1 (November 30) – Serve Jesus Faithfully in Your Life’s Tasks (1 Corinthians 1:3-9 or Mark 13:32-37)

Advent 3 (December 14) – Proclaim Christ through your Words, Prayers, and Gifts (Isaiah 61)

Epiphany (January 6) – Devote your Lives to the Light of the World (Matthew 2)

Epiphany 3 (January 25) – Freely Share Christ’s Love with Everyone (Jonah 3:1-5, 10)

Lent 2 (March 1) – The Lord’s Promises Compel our Commitment (Genesis 28:10-22)

Lent 4 (March 15) – Power and Purpose for our Service (Ephesians 2:4-10)

Palm Sunday (March 29) – Praise the King of Salvation (Mark 11 or Philippians 2)

Easter (April 5) – Our Labor in the Living Lord Is Not in Vain (1 Corinthians 15)

CMO Increase – Encouraging Word – November 2014

CMO Increase

According to WELS’ Together e-newsletter, September offerings increased $280,000 (19.5 percent) over the previous year. This represents a year-to-date increase of 2.4 percent.

“We thank God for moving his people to share so generously in their gifts to support the work we do together as a synod,” said WELS president Mark Schroeder. “We can also thank our congregations, members, and called workers for their faithfulness in their stewardship efforts.”

Congregations have begun submitting their CMO subscriptions for 2015. The due date is February, 6, 2015. The deadline for remittance of 2014 offerings is January 8, 2015.

A four percent increase in CMO subscriptions is needed to maintain current ministry. To achieve this goal and, God-willing, exceed it, WELS Ministry of Christian Giving is continuing to encourage the 10/10 plan—that churches would give 10 percent of their offerings as CMO or, if already at 10 percent, raise CMO by 10 percent of the CMO dollar amount given the previous year.

See the Congregation Mission Offerings page on the WELS Resource Center for a PowerPoint presentation of this information to share with congregational leaders.

Helpful Hint – Encouraging Word – November 2014

​Provide Quarterly Statements to Members

According to Casey Graham, CEO of The Rocket Company, which provides coaching and resources for church leaders, one simple step churches can take to increase giving is to send quarterly giving statements to members.

“In our survey of over 1,000 churches, we learned that communicating with donors on a quarterly basis was a key factor for churches exceeding their budget,” said Graham. The improved giving was a result of people staying informed about the church’s ministry and how their offerings were helping advance the gospel.

One suggestion for congregations is to include with each statement a biblical encouragement on giving along with an update of a featured area of ministry supported by offerings.

While postage and staffing may present challenges to carrying out the quarterly mailings, according to Graham the small investment in postage is worth it, and the responsibility can be handled by one key volunteer leading the charge.

Words of Wisdom – Encouraging Word – November 2014

Provide an Ongoing Flow of Information about the Congregation’s Work

“In a communication-saturated age, churches need to find and utilize multiple avenues for getting their message across.

“As an ongoing follow-up to a new member informational packet, the congregation would do well to publish a monthly newsletter, as well as written quarterly reports from all the boards, committees, and organizations of the congregation. Since every member shares in the mission of the congregation, it is vital that every member be kept informed about that mission and what the congregation is doing to fulfill it. Communication—from the voters’ assembly, from the church council, from organizations, from the pastor, from the Lutheran elementary school principal, from boards and committees—helps to keep the work of the church before the eyes and in the hearts of the members of the congregation.”

Valleskey, David J. We Believe – Therefore We Speak. Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1995.