Stewardship Sundays – Encouraging Word – November 2014

Possible Stewardship Sundays/Emphases for December through April

While our “Stewardship by the Lectionary” resource offers stewardship-themed devotions for all weekly lectionary readings, some weeks are particularly strong for a stewardship-themed Sunday. Following are some ideas for a stewardship Sunday or emphasis in Advent/Christmas, 2014, and Epiphany/Lent, 2015. Refer to “Stewardship by the Lectionary” for further development of these themes.

Advent 1 (November 30) – Serve Jesus Faithfully in Your Life’s Tasks (1 Corinthians 1:3-9 or Mark 13:32-37)

Advent 3 (December 14) – Proclaim Christ through your Words, Prayers, and Gifts (Isaiah 61)

Epiphany (January 6) – Devote your Lives to the Light of the World (Matthew 2)

Epiphany 3 (January 25) – Freely Share Christ’s Love with Everyone (Jonah 3:1-5, 10)

Lent 2 (March 1) – The Lord’s Promises Compel our Commitment (Genesis 28:10-22)

Lent 4 (March 15) – Power and Purpose for our Service (Ephesians 2:4-10)

Palm Sunday (March 29) – Praise the King of Salvation (Mark 11 or Philippians 2)

Easter (April 5) – Our Labor in the Living Lord Is Not in Vain (1 Corinthians 15)