Congregation Mission Offerings

Our congregations carry out the Great Commission both locally and by joining together as a synod to reach “all nations” by training, equipping, sending, and supporting workers in the U.S. and 46 other countries. Our Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) are the main source for funding synodical ministry.

CMO setting materials

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2023 offerings totaled $23.39 million. This was $436,000 more than projected receipts and $64,000 more than 2022 CMO. We thank the Lord for his people’s generous gifts!

Your partnership with WELS enables you to advance Christ’s kingdom in ways that you can’t do as easily or as well on your own. To learn more, review the “Doing More Together” handout.


WELS Connection
Show this monthly video before, during, or after the worship service to highlight the work we are doing together in WELS

Together e-newsletter
The latest synod updates twice a month

Forward in Christ
WELS’ official magazine published monthly

Annual Report
Highlights ministry carried out by our synod in the previous calendar year as well as plans for the future

Stewardship program
Programs and resources to help congregations encourage members toward biblical stewardship