Helpful Hint – Encouraging Word – November 2014

​Provide Quarterly Statements to Members

According to Casey Graham, CEO of The Rocket Company, which provides coaching and resources for church leaders, one simple step churches can take to increase giving is to send quarterly giving statements to members.

“In our survey of over 1,000 churches, we learned that communicating with donors on a quarterly basis was a key factor for churches exceeding their budget,” said Graham. The improved giving was a result of people staying informed about the church’s ministry and how their offerings were helping advance the gospel.

One suggestion for congregations is to include with each statement a biblical encouragement on giving along with an update of a featured area of ministry supported by offerings.

While postage and staffing may present challenges to carrying out the quarterly mailings, according to Graham the small investment in postage is worth it, and the responsibility can be handled by one key volunteer leading the charge.