Helpful Hint – Encouraging Word – January 2015

Share WELS’ 2014 Annual Report

WELS recently published its 2014 annual report, which summarizes key developments across all areas of synod ministry. This report is a great way to inform WELS members of the Lord’s work we are doing together as a synod. It’s also a helpful reference as the congregation begins planning their support for worldwide gospel endeavors during the coming year.

There are several ways to access and share the report through WELS Communication Services’ Resource Center:
  • Download the report in PowerPoint format. Someone at your church may give the presentation or you can invite your local WELS Christian giving counselor to do it.
  • Share the link to the annual report in “flip book” format through your church’s e-newsletter or Web site.
  • Five copies of the report are being mailed to each congregation mid-January for distribution to leaders with the option to order additional copies (free besides shipping) through Northwestern Publishing House. (Note that an annual report is also going out with each giving statement to individuals who made direct gifts to WELS in 2014.)