
Words of Wisdom – Encouraging Word – May 2017

Christian Stewardship is about Our Relationship with God

“Money management and godly giving are integral parts of sanctified living, not at all optional or even peripheral. The focus is squarely on the relationship of Christ’s people to their Lord and his revealed will—not only or even primarily their relationship to their money, their church, or their neighbor. To ignore this facet of the Christian’s continued existence on earth or to address this subject only occasionally is to fail to minister properly to the needs of our people. Christians need to know that they have been saved and how they have been saved. They also need to know they are called and enabled to serve God. God expects faithful stewardship, dedicated serving. What a tragedy it is if the person who has learned the way of salvation either has never grasped or has been sidetracked from his mission of living for God in a conscientious and competent way!”

Forrest L. Bivens. Seizing the Opportunities: Ways to Encourage Godly Giving. Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Essay File. Page 2.

Words of Wisdom – Encouraging Word – November 2015

Discuss Giving in the Context of Stewardship

“The theme of stewardship keeps the subject of giving in the proper perspective. People see giving as it relates to God rather than merely to the church or me, as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 8:5, ‘They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us.’ When people know why God gave them their money and possessions, what God has called our church to do, and why God has placed them in our congregation, they are highly motivated givers rather than reluctant payers of dues.”

Pohl, Wayne. Mastering Church Finances. Portland: Multnomah Press, 1992. Page 45.

Weeks to Emphasize Stewardship – Encouraging Word – July 2015

Weeks to Emphasize Stewardship

While our “Stewardship by the Lectionary” resource offers stewardship-themed devotions for all weekly lectionary readings, some weeks are particularly strong for a stewardship-themed Sunday. Following are some ideas for a stewardship Sunday or emphasis in the latter half of 2015. Refer to future editions of “Stewardship by the Lectionary” for further development of these themes.

Pentecost 15 (September 6) – Manage Well the Gift of God’s Word! (Deuteronomy 4:1, 2, 6-8; Ephesians 6:10-20; Mark 77:1-8, 14, 15, 21-23)

Pentecost 17 (September 20) – Whole-life Stewardship Flows from Faith in Jesus (James 2:1-5, 8-10, 14-18; Mark 8:27-35)

Pentecost 21 (October 18) – The Danger of Living “the Good Life” (Amos 5:6, 7, 10-15; Mark 10:17-27)

Christ the King (November 22) – “One in Christ” debt elimination offering


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